Answers to your questions!
We want to make sure all of your questions are answered. If we have not answered any of your questions below, please be sure to contact us. We’re here to help!
What is considered an emergency?
There are many ways to find out if your companion needs immediate attention and they are as follows: Abnormal behavior (not waking up, stiffness, sensitive to touch) bleeding, unusual mouth smell, excessive scratching, seizures, disorientation.
If you suspect that there is trauma due to an accident it probably is. If you suspect they have ingested any known dangerous objects or chemicals and it is showing uncontrollable vomiting or diarrhea. If there are parasites in their stool or mouth. If there is any kind of abscess or inflammation growing on their skin, abdominal area, neck, or overall body area. If you have any concerns or suspicions call your ABC Animal and Bird Clinic in Sugar Land at (281) 495-9445.
Do you care for exotic animals?
As a matter of fact, we do! Our veterinarians are capable of caring for and treating exotic animals such as birds, rabbits, ferrets, reptiles, rodents, and other small non-domestic animals.
If you would like to inquire about more information regarding the variety of animals, we can offer medical assistance for call ABC Animal and Bird Clinic in Sugar Land at (281) 495-9445.
Is there always room for boarding?
The room is limited to a first-come, first-served basis. You can schedule your stay, but the earlier, the better. Our boarding services are recognized as one of the best in the area, so spots go fast, especially during holidays. Some exotic animals require specific accessories such as their own cage, diet, or lighting.
Please contact ABC Animal and Bird Clinic in Sugar Land if you have any questions regarding boarding requirements or availability at (281) 495-9445.
Are you open 24 hours for emergencies?
If you have any concerns or suspicions call us at (281) 495-9445. Find more information here if you find yourself in an after-hours emergency situation
What are your office hours?
You can find our current hours here >
What are your payment options?
Read about our payment policies here>
What is needed for grooming?
Any dogs or cats interested in our grooming services must be current on the routine vaccinations that we recommend. Please contact us for a list of those vaccines.
Grooming is available Monday-Friday from 7:00 am – 7:00 pm by appointment only. Please call (281) 495-9445 and speak with Theresa or Tori to schedule your appointment.
Where can I further my pet education?
Founded in 1991, the Veterinary Information Network, Inc. is the veterinary profession’s premier online resource, providing veterinarians, veterinary students, and the veterinary industry with the information and tools they need to address the demands of modern veterinary practice. VIN – for veterinarians, by veterinarians – unites more than 67,000 veterinarians, veterinary students, and veterinary industry partners in a truly interactive worldwide online community.